Thursday, May 16 2024
Source: Easytovisa

At the invitation of the British ambassador to Serbia, His Excellency Mr Edward Ferguson, we attended the celebration of GRUBB's 18th birthday. GRUBB help young Roma to finish their school education while acquiring soft skills towards better employability and social integration, encourage and nurture the creative and performing talents.    

About GRUBB:
Since 2006, GRUBB has offered educational and artistic programmes for Roma children and young people in Serbia. Aim is to further their education in order so that they may access mainstream employment to facilitate their long-term social integration. Holistic approach, combining education, culture, arts, and business, enables each of participants to achieve their full potential. The name, GRUBB (Gypsy Roma Urban Balkan Beats) was originally given as a title to our first show. Organization then decided to adopt the name in 2012 as participants felt that it not only represented them but the movement as a whole that was and continues to spread across Europe.
In 2011 the GRUBB Show was created with a team of international artists working with the children in the Centres. Written by young Roma (ages 14-20) under the direction of Serge Denoncourt, the creative process took two years, exploring the stories and the roots of young writers. The production was then made possible by the commitment of internationally renowned artists in dance, set, video, lighting, and sound design, to create this unique show. Opening in Belgrade followed by a performance in London at the O2, 25 young Roma performers including dancers, singers, rappers and a brass band, shared with entranced audiences a pure raw energy in a contemporary celebration of life.

Support these young talents!

photo: Dragan Kujundžić