Additional services - Easytovisa

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Additional services

Services of our company include online immigration consulting and a visa application preparation for the UK, US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Russia and any other country in the world. Our most popular services are:


Depending on each individual case, we advise you how to properly apply for the desired type of visa. Based on the reasons of your trip and the desired period you plan to stay in the destination country, we can determine what type of visa you should apply for. Most of visas also have subtypes, determined by the reason for the travel to this country.


Application forms are different and depend on the destination country and type of visa you are applying for. To avoid a risk to fill out and submit an incorrect form, we will complete and prepare the proper application form for you.


Data processing of most visa applications is charged, and the price depends on the type and duration of the visa. Payment is made by credit card online or in person at the Embassy/Consulate/Bank after the submission of visa application. Easytovisa performs a service of payment for all of its clients without commission, in order to spare them from all additional procedures and possible difficulties.


Along with the application form for a visa, applicants are required to prepare and submit supporting documentation which confirms the facts of the case stated in the application. Supporting documentation varies depending on the case and is of great importance for positive impact of the application. Our team is trained to expertly advise applicants what documentation is necessary to support a request for any visa.


It is mandatory for some of destination countries that all supporting documentation is in English, otherwise the request for a visa application may be refused. Our service includes the professional translation of all documents. Translation is official, stamped and signed by G Solutions Group or its subsidiaries.


Have an urgent legalisation request that carries a tight deadline? Use Easytovisa Visa Pre-Check to save valuable time. Experienced Easytovisa legalisation specialists will review and check your scanned documents to confirm that they are ready to be submitted or if there is information that needs to be corrected or amended.
Easytovisa Pre-Check Service documents will be reviewed within four hours of receipt and the contact for the order will receive a response to email requests received before 2:00 pm on Monday - Friday. Requests received after 2:00 pm will be responded to by 11:00 am the following business day.


After collecting of passport on your behalf, Easytovisa will return your passport quickly and securely via the courier service to desired address within 24 or 48 hours.


We offer you a service that brings our professionals to your doorstep. We can now prepare your visa application from a location of your choice, such as a home, office, school or even a park. This service is ideal for large groups. Further, Easytovisa staff will ensure all applications are complete and ready for submission at the visa centre/consulate/embassy of destination country or countries

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