Short stay Germany - Germany - Fast and secure way to all your visas

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Short stay Germany

The types of visas depend on individual situations - you can send us a detailed description of your planned trip, and we will advise you on the best way and the most adequate type of visa for what you need.

We provide advisory assistance in the preparation and submission of visa documentation.

Schengen visa application

The member states of the Schengen area are Austria, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Greece, the Netherlands, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Hungary, Malta, Germany, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia , Spain, Switzerland and Sweden.

***Detachment short stay up to 90 days

Detachment is an Agreement according to which companies from the territory of Serbia can employ their workers on construction, assembly, insulation and similar works at construction sites in FR Germany.

A company based in Serbia, registered to perform the activity for which the detachment is assigned, can apply for the assignment of a detachment.

The company should have a NON-INDEPENDENT BRANCH ("Unselbständige Zweigstelle " - "Betriebsstätte")  in Germany,

operates in accordance with German regulations and meets the criteria from Article 1 of the Decision on Amendments to the Decision on the Method of Assigning the Determined Maximum Number of Seconded Workers to Employers from the Republic of Serbia.

A request for the issuance of a Consent can be submitted by a business entity only when it has an open representative office and concluded an employment contract with a partner from the territory of the EU.

After obtaining the Consent, the Consent and supporting documents are sent by post or brought in person to the Bundesagentur für Arbeit (Labor Agency in FR Germany) in order to obtain work permits for employees.

Issuance of work visas on the basis of detachment is done after obtaining work permits. Appointments for visa applications are scheduled through the website of the German Consulate.

The time period for which one is waiting for an appointment to obtain a visa depends on the availability of appointments at the German consulate. If 5 or more workers are referred, according to the Detachment Agreement,

it is also possible to make an appointment at the Serbian Chamber of Commerce on an expedited basis
We can provide advice and help with all bureaucratic issues related to residence permits, visas, etc.

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