***Employment without a certified diploma/certificate of partial recognition of diploma equivalence (Defizitbescheid) in accordance with the special regulation for the countries of the Western Balkans (Article 26, paragraph 2 of the Employment Regulation - BeschV)
You have the right to apply for a visa for the purpose of employment in Germany based on the special regulation for the countries of the Western Balkans if you want to work in Germany without a certified diploma from Serbia or if you want to engage in an activity that does not require a qualification.
The prerequisite for obtaining a visa is the consent of the German Federal Employment Agency. By law, it is possible to issue up to 25,000 consents annually.
This roughly corresponds to the number of issued visas of this category in 2019.
The new regulation will be valid until the end of 2023.
Initial requests can be submitted exclusively at the consular-diplomatic missions of the Federal Republic of Germany in one of the six states mentioned above, which means that the right to submit a request is exclusively available to persons with permanent residence in one of these states. The Federal Employment Agency will, as before, issue consent only if the applicant has not received financial or other assistance provided for in the German Act on Financial and Other Assistance for Asylum Seekers 24 months prior to submitting the application.
***River Ship
All foreign workers on river ships and cruise ships have the right to visa-free entry and stay in Germany for up to three months in a 12-month period.
if they work on a ship that sails on the Rhine or Danube for a company whose headquarters are abroad, if they are registered in the crew list of that ship,
if they have a foreign passport or a temporary passport that confirms that the passport holder is a worker on a river ship on the Rhine, or if they have a shipper's book (e.g. a shipper's book for work on the Danube).
Visa liberalization is limited and is valid only for stays on the ship and in the vicinity of the port and a nearby place, as well as for trips between the border crossing and the port where the ship is anchored or between two ports, and when it comes to international transportation of persons
or things as part of navigation on the Danube for the transport of the same persons and things. The same applies to family members listed in the shipping book.
If you need to apply for a national visa, pay attention to the following:
Issuing a visa for employment on a river boat is possible only on the condition that the applicant works under the same working conditions upon entering the territory of the Federal Republic of Germany.
especially in relation to monthly earnings and working hours,
which apply to German workers. Therefore, issuing a visa is out of the question, if the monthly earnings and/or working hours border on violating Article 138.
of the Civil Code (BGB). Take care that from 01.01.2015. The Minimum Wage Act (MiLoG) applies to employees on the territory of the Federal Republic of Germany.
- A foreigner may be returned from Germany if he has provided incorrect or incomplete information in order to obtain a German residence permit or Schengen visa.
The applicant is obliged to provide all data correctly and conscientiously.
Refusing to provide data or knowingly providing incorrect or incomplete data may result in the visa application being rejected, or the applicant being returned from Germany if the visa has already been issued.
In accordance with Art. 53rd st. 2. in connection with Art. 41 st. 1. point 2 of the Law on the Federal Central Register (BZRG), the state authority has an unlimited right to obtain data on convictions entered in the Federal Central Register for which
deletion deadlines have not passed. This includes convictions that would no longer appear in the extract from that register (Führungszeugnis). The applicant is therefore obliged to list criminal convictions that are not shown in the extract from the register.
With his signature, the applicant confirms that before submitting the application, he is aware of the legal consequences of refusing to provide information and providing false or incomplete information in the process of submitting a visa application.
***Submission of a visa application for the purpose of employment on the basis of a long-stay detachment contract
***Student visas long term
You can apply for this visa:
*if you are going to a short training or course
*if you meet other eligibility requirements
To check eligibility and any additional information, please feel free to contact us.