Thursday, May 30. 2024
Source: Easytovisa

The German government is introducing a series of changes that will positively affect foreigners from the Western Balkans who want to work in this country.

From June 1, 2024, two most important changes will take place: the introduction of the Opportunity Card as well as the increased number of work visas that are approved in accordance with the Western Balkans Regulation. The planned number of issued work visas is 50,000 per year (instead of the previous 25,000), and they will be issued to citizens of Serbia, Kosovo, North Macedonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and Albania, who will have privileged access to the German labor market.

Applicants from these countries will not need to prove professional qualifications when applying. They need to wait for preliminary approval from the federal employment service and then apply for a visa to enter Germany and will not have to prove professional qualifications when applying.

The Opportunity Card (Chancenkarte) is intended for citizens of non-EU countries who do not have an employment contract and want to enter Germany in order to look for a suitable job. The document will be based on the principle of points and will be issued to foreigners who have recognized qualifications and have at least six points. Among the qualifications, they should have at least two years of vocational training or a university degree, as well as knowledge of the German or English language at level A1 or B1. This card will allow the applicant to stay in Germany in order to look for a job for up to one year, with the possibility of an extension of up to two years.

Easytovisa team